A FREE Wellness Benefit for Local 689 Union Members
Online health, wellness, and fitness classes to help you stay motivated, and focus on your well-being. BurnAlong offers classes from 1000s of instructors spanning 40+ categories.
How does it work?
Once your BurnAlong account is created, you get access to our entire library of online video health and wellness classes. You can exercise on your own, or with a coworker or friend (who you can see and hear on the screen as well).
How does it help me?
689 Moving Metro is partnering with BurnAlong to help make it easier for employees to stay healthy. BurnAlong gives you an easy and motivating way to exercise, no matter where you are.
© 2019 BurnAlong. All rights reserved.
Frequently Asked Questions
Activate your FREE BurnAlong account today
Get healthier and happier, on your own or with whoever motivates you
Create Your AccountClick here to Create Your AccountHow much does it cost?
It’s FREE to all benefits-eligible members!
Can Family Join?
Absolutely! Once you log in, you can give away 4 free accounts to family or friends!
Simply login to your BurnAlong account
Go to "My Profile"
Scroll down and "Add Sub-Account"
How does it help me?
689 Moving Metro is partnering with BurnAlong through to help make it easier for employees to stay healthy. BurnAlong gives you an easy and motivating way to exercise, no matter where you are.
Can I get BurnAlong on my T.V?
Yes! BurnAlong is not an app on your T.V. but you can cast from the BurnAlong app to your T.V.
“We are excited to partner with BurnAlong to offer an easy wellbeing solution for our members geared toward all ages and levels. With content such as diabetes management, mindfulness, yoga, nutrition, sleep, etc., our members can access the platform from anywhere and the built-in social component will help drive engagement and participation."
Juanita J. Hawkins
689 Moving Metro Wellness Program Manager